Health & Fitness, Life, Whole30

No Bread, Cheese, and Wine? Oh my!

What I’m loving right now….my last tastes of wine, cheese, and bread for 30 days.  You see, I have this dear friend Gina that I have known for 20 plus years.  Gina is one of those people you just can’t help but love.  One of the amazing gifts she gives to the world is that she is always encouraging others and lifting them up and truly expects nothing in return.  Needless to say, I am Gina fan and if she told me she was going to lay in a tub of snakes spiders, I’d likely think it was a great idea and follow her.

Now I’m sure you are asking what Gina has to do with my last tastes of wine, cheese, and bread for 30 days?  We were at the movies recently and she was saying she shouldn’t have a cocktail, but we were seeing Bad Moms and she had been planning it for a while so it was a difficult decision for her.  When I asked her why she said because she had just started the Whole30.  She didn’t get into many details that night, so of coarse I was curious and read up on it, because you know if Gina thinks it’s a good idea…..

As I was reading about the challenge I began to realize this would be a really good thing for me to do.  Now mind you it was the middle of Summer and we had tons of plans that involve drinking and fun so I put my stake in the ground and said I would start the Tuesday after Labor Day.  This way I would be finished with it before my birthday in mid October and all the upcoming holidays.  It also gave me some time to really understand the challenge, start practicing some recipes, and look at my favorite restaurants to see which ones I can safely go to during my 30 days.

The challenge really warns against thinking about all the things you CAN’T have and focus in on what you can have which is eggs, poultry, meat, seafood, veggies, fruit, olives, potatoes, and healthy fats like avocado and olive oil.  If you have read this far I’m sure you are curious what one can’t have on the Whole30 so I’ll share that here this once.  As I’m sure you gathered no bread, cheese, and wine.  Also no sugar, dairy, alcohol of any kind, grains, legumes, refined carbs, and processed foods.

No wine

Now, I’m no Gina so I’m not writing this assuming anyone will join me on this crazy 30 day ride, but with any difficult task I believe it’s best to share your goal with your peeps to help hold yourself accountable.  I’ll likely be posting my journey over the 30 days to keep you updated on my progress, but for now I’m off to enjoy some wine and a big slice of German Chocolate Cake while I still can.



P.S. If you have done the Whole30 challenge yourself, I’d love to hear your favorite tips and recipes.  You can leave a comment here or message me on Facebook.





3 thoughts on “No Bread, Cheese, and Wine? Oh my!

  1. Pingback: My Whole30 Journey Week 2 | Cindy Curley

  2. Pingback: My Whole30 Journey- Week 3 | Cindy Curley

  3. Pingback: My Whole30 Journey Week 4 | Cindy Curley

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